Apply To Join Our YEP-NYC TeamYoung Education Professionals-NYC is seeking new members to join our board! This is a leadership opportunity for those with an interest in education and a dedication to the mission of keeping our professional community connected through networking, professional development, and community service.
We're excited to continue to broaden our community, deepen our impact, and bring folks together around topics that matter in education in New York City. Sound interesting to you? We welcome those who currently work in all areas of education from early childhood through college, and we are also interested in bringing on new board members who work in other fields but have a connection to education as a parent, community member or an interested individual. Board members commit between 10-20 hours per month to planning, governance, monthly meetings and attending YEP events. |
Prefer to email us directly?
Send an email to nyc [at] youngedprofessionals [dot] org that indicates the position you’re interested in. Attach your resume and a cover letter describing what makes you the ideal candidate.
"[Quote from current chapter leader]" “[Quote from current chapter leader]” -YEP-NYC Chapter Leader
"[Quote from current chapter leader]" |